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Energy | Climate Focus 
program to be
at the forefront
of sustainable innovations

Elevating Climate Tech Startups

We welcome all energy, construction and climate resilience startups to the program.

Beamline, Baltic Innovation Agency and Sparkup Tartu Science Park joint accelerator offer 1-year program and up to 100,000€ worth of non-equity investment - it’s the support for product and business development to science-based teams. The accelerator is open to startups registered in Estonia* in the fields of energy, construction and climate resilience.


  • In the energy sector, the main challenges are the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the share of renewable energy and improve energy efficiency.

  • In the construction sector, adaptation to climate change, including increasing the climate resilience of buildings and infrastructure, is a key challenge.

  • In the area of climate resilience, a key challenge is the need to increase resilience to extreme weather events and climate change.

    *If your company does not have a legal entity in Estonia, it is easy to obtain one using e-Residency. Beamline assists with this.

The application process for this batch is closed.


A one-month pre-accelerator to assess the company's initial climate impact and prepare the team to meet the Accelerator's Council

Tailored acceleration and multiple intros with corporates and industries

We take up to 13 startups with software and/or hardware solutions to the program

Participation in relevant startup events

Up to €100 000 worth of support for product and business development services for one startup

6-months intensive program with 6 months extra program for the most potential teams,

The Green Technologies Development programs aim to contribute to the green turnaround of businesses by promoting the development and dissemination of innovative green technologies to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change and increasing the productivity of natural resources in the energy, construction and climate resilience sectors.

Climate resilience includes preparedness and the ability to respond to extreme weather events, rising sea levels, rising temperatures and other climate change challenges. Support will focus on energy and resource efficiency, promoting the circular economy, new business models, digitalisation and automation.

Beamline, Baltic Innovation Agency and Sparkup Tartu Science Park acceleration program "Energy | Climate Focus"  program is supported by Environmental Investment Centre (KIK) within the framework of the Estonian recovery plan from the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) and is aimed at implementing green technology development programs.

Watch the video recording of the Energy Program
Info Day held on August 29th in Tallinn.
Energy I Climate Focus Program information day

Energy I Climate Focus Program information day

Play Video

Accelerator's emphasis on mentoring and technical assistance ensures that startups receive the support required to overcome obstacles and refine their groundbreaking ideas.

Goals of the program


Catalyzing technical advancements: we expedite the journey from prototype to scalable product through product management excellence and academic collaborations


Building industry partnership: we bridge the gap between visionary ideas and real-world applications by facilitating collaborations, pilots, and market feedback.


Unlocking access to capital: With a vast network of investors and strategic partners, we open doors to both equity and non-dilutive funding opportunities.


Facilitating collaborative ecosystems


Empowering regulatory navigation: With an in-depth understanding of compliance requirements and market-specific regulations, we guide startups through the complex regulations’ landscape, ensuring smooth market entry and successful product deployment.


Fostering sustainable developement.


We are looking for the teams:


Developing science-based solutions in cleantech and
focusing on energy, construction and climate resilience


Has a prototype tested in the lab or relevant environment


Either currently fundraising or planning to start fundraising within 6-12 upcoming months


Registered or incorporated in Estonia


Dedicated team with at least 2 founders

In the long-term development strategy “Estonia 2035,” Estonia has set the goal of being a competitive, knowledge-based society and economy that is climate-neutral by 2050. The goals of Estonia’s green reform are set so that by achieving them, we fulfill the obligations arising from the European Green Deal, while ensuring the competitiveness of our economy and the well-being of our people.

The 3 goals of the green reform are:

  • Reducing negative environmental impacts

  • Shaping a modern and high-quality living environment

  • Supporting the development of competitive and environmentally friendly entrepreneurship

These are the goals that are followed in the “Energy | Climate Focus” green accelerator as well.

Selection of the program


Apply for the program until the 22nd of September 2024

Introductory interview

Pitch your solution to the program's Council

Follow-up interview with a program expert

Pre-selection by the Selection Committee in October 2024

Composing the development plans for the program (TRL growth, DNSH, GHG ,investor-readiness) in Nov-Dec 2024

Confirmation by the Council

Contract signing

Council of the program

The Council plays a role in evaluating and providing recommendations on companies and their products or services, ensuring transparency and accountability in the process.


Argo Peepson

Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeerium


Kristel Reim

Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium


Laura Gredzens

Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus


Aire Rihe



Kadri Koemets



Henrik Kutberg  

Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium

"Energy | Climate focus" accelerator is supported by the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK) within the framework of the Estonian recovery plan from the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF)
and is aimed at implementing green technology development programs.




May 23 - September 22  '24

Pre-selection of applicants will be invited to the pre-acceleration program

September '24

You will be having interviews, networking, pitching and mentoring - it’s time for the startup & providers of the accelerator to find a mutual match.



September - October  '24

Demo Day of the pre-accelerator
October 2024: Selected startups will be invited to the accelerator program

October - December '24

Kick-start for the program → This is the whole time for preparing and approving the development plans for the program.


January - June '25

Product development and Business Model and Investment Attraction Strategy activities + networking, events and pitching


 August '25 


August '25 - March '26

Teams are encouraged to apply for additional services by the acceleration program. The selected ones will be supported with additional services


August ‘25 - ♾️

Jana Budkovskaja


"At Beamline Accelerator, we recognize that many niches within Cleantech are deeply rooted in Deeptech. That's why we've tailored this program with a specific focus on Deeptech. We're not just fostering startups; we're sculpting the future of sustainability. Every innovation we nurture, every entrepreneur we mentor, is a step closer to a greener tomorrow. Passion and purpose are our guiding stars in this transformative journey."

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